Thursday, July 24, 2008

pages 106 - 110

Come to think of it theose tartts were always standing around with their legs and mouths wide open. Alice thought that the tart in the mirror looked strangely familiar. She was opening and closing her mouth at the mirror testing out how to kiss. There were those two dirty girls on the bus trip who practised on each other and let everybody know. Alice could not poke her finger at what was wrong there. It was more to do with the fact that they had obviously kissed someone and weren’t stuck with just imagining the act.

Always sit and stand with legs together. Alice had been taught to love skirts, the pretty fabrics and trims, the pockets, the styles. But they were impractical, nethertheless the duchess said that it was improper for women to wear trousers. Then she would be dressing as a man and dangerous messages were often conveyed in that manner.

Oh Alice, such a good girl. Her modesty is unsurpassed, her children all have healthy hair and private tutoring. She is only guilty of re-wiping benches when they are already clean.

Alice felt a curious disjoin between the top and bottom.
The top half was tasting the soup for dinner and pulling her hair out over the children. The bottom half was always running off on some “errand”!

She did encourage the rabbit by resting the tip of her finger on his arm.
Her hair curled up as if it was raining. She felt the breeze slither inside her puffed sleeves and tickle her armpits and her legs involuntarily shuffled outwards a little.

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