Saturday, July 26, 2008

pages 48 - 52

She had landed upside down like a beetle. Her little mushroom legs kicking in the air but not prevailing. The rabbit saw it as the opportune moment that he had been waiting for.

Amongst the shopping, burping and feeding, washing up and hanging out the rabbit had been and gone. The thousand labium had opened up and spores were popping into the air. Alice had locked herself into the pantry. Even in that still airless room, she could feel the air between each of her fingers. The cavity beneath her ribs was hollowed out with even more hunger and her bottom half throbbed. She watched the dust motes float in the sunshine that spoked through the slats.

Dips, tissues, crackers, coconut, milk, corned beef, mince, lasagna pasta,
She was a warm muffin of sponge freshly doused in the dripping chocolate icing and was rolling around in the slatternly coconut. Come back and eat me, she called.

Am I taking the mouse out to make tea or am I putting it in to take mouse tea? “Now where was I?” said Alice aloud to herself. She had to speak out loud and clearly to arrange her thoughts and to put one foot in front of the other. Her hair swathed thick around her so that she would not see or hear the children.

If I was a rabbit, I wouldn’t worry about being late. Nor would I eat grass. I would eat Alice, thought Alice.

Where was she and where had she put the children?

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