Thursday, July 24, 2008

pages 126- 130

126 Jars of Jam for every occasion.
Alice thought that what was needed was to make jam.
Rennay and Alice picked lots of fruit and made jam together.
Just as they were sealing the jars Rennay’s husband came home and they fought. She with her handbag and he with his mouth. The baby opened a can of catfood and began to feed itself. Then the couple began to make love on the sofa and Alice slipped quietly out the door.

It was clear thought Alice, that if you did not care enough to keep up appearances, you did not really care enough about anything.

“Its all gone to my left eye”
“Hurry Up!”
Alice had been plied with Alcohol and various beasts waited by the door to pick her up when she fell.

Blood and truth.
There was blood everywhere, all over the walls as if she had been murdered.
“You didn’t ell me you were a virgin” said the caterpiller.
“I’m not”, said Alice,
“I’ve had 856 children”.
It was just like DEATH OF A VIRGIN every time she did it.
“If I’d known this was going to happen . . . . . “ the caterpiller began
but Alice was examining her clothes to find her puffed sleeves had remained spotless.

The duchess says that zips are bad no matter where they are, front or back they only infer immediacy and easiness. When you looked at it, everything was about fruit. Trees, branches,sticks, balls and the dark holes where they landed and the fleshy sticky messes that fruits leave on the ground. Red fruits that fill out larger, the longer you leave them. There was Lillith, who got it over and done with quickly by simply climbing the fence.

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