Thursday, July 24, 2008

pages 111 - 115

besides . . . . If she said no he was off to dunk his biscuit in another cup

Does it matter how many cups and what sort?

Whenever Alice tried smoking, the caterpiller appeared.

It is the flatness that strikes me, and the simplicity. The blue sky is large with white clouds. It is always the colour that skies should be. It meets a horizon that is below eye level. There are lwns and paddocks all edged with that jolly light blue.
Neat lawns, houses painted bright colours with the trims picked out.
It is clear that if you have not cut your nature strip, that you do not care enough about anything to deserve a job. No-hopers lived in rentals. They said that women who had not stayed at home and looked after their husbands had caused their divorces. Then they began to argue about the right way to make merangues.

“I’m so high!”
It was all very exciting, but then she remembered that she had to fix the leak under the house and buy a new vacuum cleaner.

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